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For the past 20 years, Cellairis has helped consumers and businesses stay connected with high-quality, convenient mobile device accessories and repairs.

Ample inventory, quick repairs, best in class products and unparalleled customer support make us the easy solution for all your mobile device needs. We offer a wide variety of cases, screen protectors, power, mounts and Bluetooth accessories at competitive prices. Cellairis is committed to protecting and optimizing the performance of today’s most important portable technology.

Back in 2000, we took our garage-born idea and opened our first Cellairis kiosk in Atlanta, GA. While it was little more than a stool and a stand, our phone cases were innovative and fashion-forward.

They caught on. Just to keep up, we opened our second location just 30 days later. People liked our accessories and cases and we liked helping them protect their mobile devices. But over time, more and more customers asked us to fix their broken phones, too.

By 2011, we launched our repair service. Celebrity partnerships and awards gave us even bigger name recognition as we continued to add more stores.

Today, we’re the largest franchised wireless accessory and repair company in the world with over hundreds of locations on 3 continents. Through our franchises and employees, Cellairis is synonymous with innovative and convenient mobile device solutions. And we’re just getting started.
